NRA Range Safety Officer Course

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This course is nine hours long and is conducted in a classroom and may include a Range facility.

Range Safety Officer candidates will learn roles and responsibilities of an RSO; Range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); range inspection; range rules; range briefings; emergency procedures; and firearm stoppages and malfunctions.

Each Range Safety Officer Candidate will receive an RSO Student Study Guide, a Basic Firearm Training Program brochure, an NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, an Instructor Application/Course Evaluation form.

PLEASE NOTE: Certs are issued by the NRA training department, therefore there is also additional certification and processing fees payable to the NRA.  ($30.00 for NRA members & $50.00 for non-members, costs may have increased) for initial certification as a NRA RSO. All first time instructors, coaches, and range safety officers pay a flat credentialing fee of $50 for a 2- year term. Additional ratings are added at a rate of $20 per rating. Renewals are $50 for a 2-year term regardless of how many ratings are being renewed.

NRA Member Benefit: credentialing fees are $30 for a 2- year term. Additional ratings are added at a rate of $10 per rating. Renewals are $30 for a 2-year term regardless of how many ratings are being renewed.

Please download and read our Liability_Waiver.pdf

$150  (call Caryl at 937/673-6287 to discuss possible non-refundable deposit to reserve your spot)

Upcoming Classes

March 24, 2024 9am-5pm

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