NRA SimCo Pistol Laser Simulator Course


Do you want to learn to use a Handgun?
Do you want your Children to learn to use a handgun? 

The NRA Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Program has been developed to let you learn the basics of pistol shooting in an easy to follow format using laser pistols and a computer simulator. 

This course does not require "Live ammunition" or a trip to the range. By using a pistol specially designed to emit a laser beam and a computer software program specifically designed to record the hits on target, we can teach people of all ages the proper method of shooting a firearm without costly trips to the range, or the noises associated with live fire.

During this 2 hour class we will discuss the following topics:

Firearm Safety
Eye Dominance
Breath Control
Hold Control
Trigger Control
Follow Through

This course will be approx. 1 hour explanation and demonstration, 1 hour hands on training.

This course will be taught by NRA Certified Pistol Instructors.

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