SAFTD Defensive Carbine 1 Instructor
The SAFTD Instructor level courses are designed to teach the experienced shooter/instructor, how to present the SAFTD courses to the general public using the SAFTD MOI as a basis for instructional methods and techniques. This course also encompasses the proper running of the range portions of the class and the best practices for achieving the maximum amount of learning from the students.
The goal of the Second Amendment Foundation Training Division's “Defensive Carbine 1” Instructor course is to provide the student with a solid foundation in basic knowledge of carbine safety, various types of carbines, an understanding of ammunition and how it functions, shooting fundamentals and an introduction to defensive shooting skills.
A person new to the use of a firearm for personal defense typically has a broad range of questions and is faced with learning a number of skills that are critical in the use of a firearm – in this case a Carbine – to defend themselves, their family or someone in their charge. Defensive Carbine 1 is specifically designed to provide a person new to carbines the opportunity to gain that knowledge and learn those skills.
A number of topics will be covered in “Defensive Carbine 1 - Introduction to the Defensive Use of a Carbine. These include but are not limited to:
- Safe handling of your firearm.
- Safe Storage of your firearm and ammunition.
- Basic components of a Carbine
- Types and Operation of various Carbines.
- Working With A Natural Defensive Stance
- Integrating The Color Code Into Your Life
- Finding Your Balance of Speed and Precision
- Clearing Common Stoppages
- Progressive Shooting Drills
- Definition of Cover and Concealment
- Use of Cover
- Shooting From Low and High Barricades
- Selecting a Carbine and Ammunition
- Cleaning and Maintain your Carbines
Required Equipment:
- A modern, serviceable, semi-auto carbine.
- Ear and Eye protection (electronic muffs preferred).
- Sturdy Shoes, Long Pants, Shirt With Higher Collar
- Ammunition: Factory fresh ammo only. NO RELOADS or specialty ammo.
- Extra magazine carrier
- Comfortable clothing, knee-pads (optional but recommended).
- Hydration system or Bottled water.
- Baseball Cap
- Must posses outstanding firearm handling safety skills
- SAFTD Methods of Instruction MOI within the last 2 years / (2 Days)
- Liability Insurance with minimum of 1,000,000 coverage before your first class
- SAFTD Range Officer Certification
- First Aid, CPR and AED Certification (National or State recognized organization)-(Must be up to date.)
- Must take and pass the SAFTD Student level class.
- Must be at least 21 years old
- Must be a U.S. Citizens or Legal Permanent Resident with valid Green Card. (ITAR)
- Must speak, write and understand English
- Must be able to legally posses firearms under both Federal and State laws.
Upcoming Classes
June 5-6, 2017 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Defensive Training Solutions
2855 Stone Circle Dr.
Troy, OH 45373
Please remember SAFTD Instructor Courses are performance based courses, Instructor Candidates must possess the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for this level of training. You do not pay and automatically pass Instructor training. You pay to have the opportunity to pass.