Back to: 2AS-OWB Holster


Sales price: $25.00

Keep It Simple Slide Holster

This is a simple design, yet very effective holster, The 2 belt loops help pull your gun in close to your body for great concealed carry, allowing for good concealment. The open Bottom allows for compact and full size pistols to be used. One holster will fit sub-compact up to full size in the same model firearm.

These are made here in the U.S.A. The holster is sewn to carry your firearm on a 150 cant. Available for left handed or right handed shooters. Available in Black or Dark Brown.

If you have an XD9 subcompact, and an XD9 full size you can use either one in the same holster. The only difference being with the full size the barrel will stick out of the bottom of the holster.

Same with your Glock, M&P, Sig Sauer, Taurus. Well you get the point.


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